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Our Ambassadors


Hi, my name is Jamie. One half of The Chronicles of Podcast with my co host and wonderful friend Tom Stevens. I am beyond honoured and humbled to be asked to be an Ambassador for the foundation. The journey of my involvement with the foundation started when we interviewed Sylvia for our show back in October 2021, we were so inspired by Sylvia and her story that we decided to fly the flag for the foundation on every single episode of the show.

We’ve supported the foundation through live events, supporting at festivals, digital content like vlogs and on a personal level.

I’ll never forget hearing about what happened to Sophie, it was heartbreaking, alarming and worrying, especially to a young alternative kid who was bullied for his own form of self expression. So it is an honour to help fight the fight for the alternative community.


Hi there, my name is Tom and I am an Ambassador for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation. How did I acquire such a prestigious honour I hear you ask? Well, back in September 2021, myself and Jamie got the pleasure of interviewing Sylvia Lancaster all about Sophie and the Foundation itself. We were so moved by the conversation and being part of the alternative community, we wanted to do more. So, in November 2021, an affiliation was born! Fast forward to two years and here we are.

I first heard about Sophie’s story on the news when it had happened and it totally threw me. I don’t understand and I still don’t today! To now be here as a part of the team is incredible and a true life goal achieved!

As for me personally, I am one half of The Chronicles of Podcast, an interview/story based podcast who interview people with fascinating stories all about from when they were kids to life now and how they got there. We’ve had some stellar guests and we represent the Foundation in every single show and interview. 


My name is Phil André, but many people will know me as Phil from The Motley Brew. I have worked as a part-time trader on the Rock and Metal Summer Music Festival circuit since 2009 and that is where I came to know a bit more about The Sophie Lancaster Foundation – both the devastating story of the attack, Sylvia’s incredible vocation of strength and determination to stamp out Hate Crime, and the valuable work that they do to educate and promote their message; not just in schools and colleges, but to government officials, police forces and any other party that would, could and should enforce change in the laws and attitudes.

Since 2010, SLF and The Motley Brew have been actual festival neighbours, nipping next door for a quick chat and a cuppa (Sylvia did love her tea!) and looking out for each other in the field. Over the years, our friendship has grown and it has been a privilege to have been welcomed into the SLF Family and continue to stand beside them to support their message and continued hard work.


Hello, I am Karen a retired Maintained Nursery School Headteacher. For thirty eight years I worked with children aged from two years to five and their families. It’s vital that we all help to raise people’s awareness of treating everyone with respect and understanding. The Sophie Lancaster Foundation plays a vital part in working to achieve this aim.


Emma’s bio


Ché’s bio