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Anti-Bullying Week 2024

Anti-Bullying Week takes place from the 11 to 15 November 2024, organised in England, Wales and Northern Ireland by the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This Anti-Bullying Week, we encourage you all to choose respect and lead by example to help others choose kindness instead of bullying. Respect and kindness isn’t something we should just practice at school, but something we should practice day to day, even if we disagree with someone. Just because we may disagree with someone, this doesn’t give us permission to be disrespectful towards them. Children, young people and adults need to work together to empower one another to choose respect, not bullying.

Both the Primary and Secondary resources contain an assembly presentation and accompanying brochure, covering respect, bullying and how to choose respect. Please feel free to download and if you do use our resource, please let us know by using the hashtag #WeAreSophie

Download the resources by filling out the quick form below. Once completed, options to download the primary and secondary school resources will appear.

Anti-Bullying Week 2024 Resources Download