For the last six months, the Foundation has been developing and piloting online educational programmes, to make sure we can still work with organisations despite schools being closed or external trainers not being allowed in venues. The sessions have worked amazingly well, and it has been heart-warming to see that the emotional impact we know we make in person, is still being felt in the digital sessions.
Even after social distancing is over, we will still be able to offer this training if it is more convenient for you. Technology has certainly helped in getting people together from diverse locations and these benefits will surely stay. We do love sharing a room with our audience though and are looking forward to when we can do this again. Please get in touch if you would like to book education or training with us.
The Foundation’s award last year of £55 000 from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by the National Lottery Community Fund was essential in giving us an income while we developed new ways of working. As all of our income had stopped simultaneously, this funding was a lifeline. Thanks again to the National Lottery Community Fund. The new skills and new ways of working that we’ve developed, will continue to benefit those who use our services long into the future.