In Memoriam – Remembering loved ones with thanks

We have decided to create a space on our website dedicated to our supporters who are no longer with us, and it was their wish or that of their families to raise funds in memoriam for the Foundation.

Currently on the page, there is Jake “Mettle” Ettle-Isles. Jake was well known and well loved in the metal community, having even performed at Bloodstock Festival. Jake’s latest project, Cybervoid, had a new EP on the horizon which his bandmates decided to release and donate all proceeds to the Foundation 🖤

On the page, there is also Marie Windridge, a long term supporter of the Foundation and avid Download Festival goer. The year she passed, her friend attended the festival, holding Marie’s crutch high in the air amidst the crowd ✊

Please take a moment to read the page and tributes. Jake’s fundraiser is live now, so check that out too. Thank you all so much, once again we are so touched…

Autumn Term Train The Trainer

It is the start of a brand-new academic year, which brings magnificent opportunities to make a genuine difference within our schools! 🖤

Our Autumn Term Train the Trainer course can ignite the spark of positive classroom culture, respect towards difference and a new personal perspective that will leave a lasting impression with each academic year to come. The course is delivered over two twilight sessions, each lasting 2-hours, equipping professionals who work with young people with the skills and knowledge they need to help students unpick their own assumptions and develop greater critical thinking skills through S.O.P.H.I.E. workshops in their organisation.

The first session takes place on Thursday 19th October 2023, followed by the second session on Thursday 2nd November 2023, from 16:30 until 18:30.

Places on our course are priced at £400 per delegate, this includes the S.O.P.H.I.E. boxed resource and an optional third follow up session to share feedback and thoughts after you have delivered your first workshop sessions. Our Autumn Train the Trainer course is available to book now, with limited places! If you would like to book a place on the course, please fill in our train the trainer booking form here or email for more information.

If you are interested in booking a train the trainer event for multiple staff your organisation, please email to discuss the training event further. We hope to see you there! 😊

Download 2023 Update

Well, we are feeling the love, aren’t we? We are so grateful for all your wonderful messages of support and affection. It feels amazing to know you have our backs, you know, absolutely, that we have yours 🖤

We have news! The logistical and staff issues have been resolved and we can now be in the Arena. This makes a huge difference as we get to see as many of you lovely people as we can. So it looks like we are back on! 🤘

Thank you for everything you do to support us.

If you are not at Download, new S.O.P.H.I.E. merchandise can be purchased online. Everything is available to pre-order and will be in stock by the start of June. Our merchandise sales do keep us going and enable us to keep spreading the word, so please support us if you can.

It’s true to say we were a little bit teary last night reading all your lovely words. Our community is truly the best. We will keep doing all we can to support you. Together we are SOPHIE, together we are stronger ✊🖤


Calling all Weirdos, Moshers and Freaks who fancy a real challenge!

We’ve got our hands on 5 tickets for Tough Mudder and we’re looking for keen individuals or groups to represent and raise funds for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation.

How amazing would it be if we could bring the metal to the mud!

The tickets we purchased grant you entry into any 5K Tough Mudder event taking place this year. We would like to ask that all participants raise a minimum of £100 for the Foundation.

The events take place all over the country on various weekends, outlined below. Please ensure you sign up for one with enough time to fundraise.

MIDLANDS – 24 & 25 JUNE 2023
MANCHESTER – 15 & 16 JULY 2023
YORKSHIRE – 29 & 30 JULY 2023

If you think you’re up for the challenge, get in touch with us via

We Need You

In this diverse world, our message is more important now than ever. Our work within the community is vital. We need you to help us and be the change this world needs. To work towards stamping out prejudice, hatred and intolerance everywhere – for good 🖤

Donate here:

Sylvia always said, “We have the best supporters in the world,” and we could not agree more. If every one of our supporters gave us just £1, we can help change the world.

Together we are S.O.P.H.I.E – please help us by donating and sharing this video 🖤

Sylvia Tribute – Book of Commemoration

As you know April 2022, we suddenly lost our Founder and Chief Executive, Sylvia Lancaster.

Following Sylvia’s death we were inundated with messages of support and tributes to Sylvia. We offered people the opportunity to leave a message of condolence and those messages have now been incorporated into an online Book of Commemoration.

Please take a minute to have a look through the book and read how Sylvia touched so many lives.


Help us to help you!

Fifteen years after Sophie Lancaster was brutally kicked to death for being a goth, we are still discussing the prevalence of hate crime against people from alternative sub-cultures.

In late 2018 the government asked the Law Commission to undertake a wider and more in-depth review of the hate crime laws than previously undertaken. A key question was to examine whether any further characteristics should be added to the current five strands which are…

Sexual Orientation
Transgender Identity

In December 2021, the recommendation came back that alternative sub-cultures should not be added to the list of monitored strands of hate crime. One of the reasons it failed was that there wasn’t enough evidence that criminal targeting of this group was prevalent.

There was not “a strong demonstrable need to extend protection to this group.

We have so many phone calls and emails telling us about the abuse, harassment, and appalling violence that people have suffered, where the only motivation has been their sub-cultural identity or appearance.

Fifteen years after Sophie’s murder, we are asking what has changed?

If there is not enough data that targeting alternative sub-cultures is prevalent, then we will gather our own. We have developed a questionnaire to find out how the alternative community is being affected by Hate Crime. (A Hate Crime is any criminal offence that is motivated by hostility and prejudice towards a person’s identity or perceived identity.)  We ask about the type of incident and if you have reported a hate crime, then what your experience of that was.

So please, help us to help you and fill in the questionnaire, let you friends and family know about it and together we are stronger.


Dr Sylvia Lancaster OBE – Love and Light

Dedicated to Sylvia Lancaster, founder of The Sophie Lancaster Foundation, who suddenly passed away on 12 April 2022.

Sylvia Lancaster came into the public eye, following the brutal murder of her daughter Sophie in August 2007. Sophie and her partner were Goths (although they would not have necessarily defined themselves in this way) and were attacked just because they looked different. Sophie’s injuries were so severe that she died thirteen days after the senseless attack.

Sylvia had been a youth worker for over twenty years, working with young people aged 13 to 25 as an intensive adviser; providing support for those experiencing teenage pregnancy, drug dependency and emotional and educational issues. Through her training, she recognised Sophie’s attack as a hate crime and wanted the perpetrators to be sentenced accordingly. Sylvia was always grateful that Judge Anthony Russell QC who presided over the trial, recognised the crime for what it was.

Judge Russell said “This was a terrible case which has shocked and outraged all who have heard about it. At least wild animals, when they hunt in packs, have a legitimate reason for so doing, to obtain food. You have none and your behaviour on that night degrades humanity itself”.

Following Sophie’s death, Sylvia was determined that she would speak up for Sophie and for all alternative subcultures – recognising the intolerance and often violent prejudice they suffer, all because they are simply being who they are and true to themselves.

Following the murder trial, Sylvia set up the Sophie Lancaster Foundation as a lasting legacy to Sophie and it was registered as a charity in 2009. It challenges prejudice and intolerance through creative and challenging outreach work with diverse audiences in schools, universities, community groups and in young offender institutions and prisons. The Foundation also works extensively with the police and justice system on issues such as victim impact and recognising and recording alternative subculture hate crime. Sylvia was convinced that current legislation is insufficient and needed to be extended to include attacks on people from alternative subcultures.

Campaigning nationally and internationally, Sylvia raised awareness of the Foundation and its work and was guest lecturer at a number of UK universities. For many years, Sylvia was a member of the Government’s Independent Advisory Group on Hate Crime.

Sylvia was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2014 for her work in reducing hate crime and community cohesion. She was also awarded honorary doctorates by the University of Bolton (2018) and University of Surrey (2019).

For those that knew her, Sylvia was a formidable woman with fierce determination and desire for social justice. She was determined to make a difference and bullish enough to take on the establishment. Her legacy is the Sophie Lancaster Foundation; we remember a young woman, whose life was cut short by violence and in whose name we challenge prejudice and hate and work to increase tolerance and respect for others.

She will be very much missed by friends and family and thousands more supporters from around the world. She was a one off and a truly remarkable woman. There aren’t many of us who truly make a difference in this world, but she did.

Rest in Peace Sylvia.

Alexandra and Jacks Wedding….

The Sophie Lancaster Foundation has always meant a lot to us. I was 11 when Sophie tragically passed away, and I was just about to start high school; I had a gothic style, and I would be going to a new place every day with none of my existing friends, and it scared me due to Sophie’s story. I considered hiding my interests and my style, but in the end, I decided to be true to myself. I did get nasty comments, and I did get threats throughout my teenage life.

The Sophie Lancaster Foundation gave me hope that future generations would not receive the same treatment that I did, or indeed, the treatment Sophie received. I’m in my mid 20s now and I still have a standing order with the Sophie Lancaster Foundation so that I can contribute a little something every month to show my support. From the times I’ve met Sylvia at various events, I know just how much work is being done at the charity, and I appreciate it, just as many others do.

My husband Jack and I got married on Halloween in 2020. Due to the covid-19 restrictions, we only had a very small and limited civil ceremony, but it still fit our gothic style perfectly. A year later in 2021, we were able to have our ‘big wedding’, with our religious ceremony (I am Pagan), followed by a big wedding reception. Instead of wedding gifts, we asked for donations to The Sophie Lancaster Foundation. We already have everything we need, but the charity still needs the financial support to spread such a powerful message.

We set up a donation pot on a table with our guest book and any amount was gratefully received.

My aunty is also big into crochet – she is very creative with the products she makes and sells her work to raise money for charities. For Halloween 2021, she made some beautiful little bats and pumpkins which sold well, and then handed me the money she raised from those to add onto our wedding donations for S.O.P.H.I.E., which we are grateful for.

Even today we are still getting retrospective donations from wedding guests who couldn’t give us it on the night, and we will continue to donate what we can too. We are so happy we were able to use such an event to raise money for something so important.

Punks and Rockers Unite to Honour Friend’s Memory in aid of Sophie Lancaster Foundation

Our Friend Faren Short was obsessed with music and particularly live music, attending thousands of gigs throughout his life supporting national and local bands. Faren died earlier in 2021 after a brave and dignified battle with cancer; his legacy is one big party to celebrate his life featuring local live music from bands picked by Faren himself. Friends David Chinery (Chinners) and Ross Ferrone were given a letter after Faren’s death and asked them to put this fitting celebration together including a raffle featuring band merchandise and gig tickets along with a sale of some of Faren’s own home made punk waistcoats/t-shirts. His request was that all the funds from the event go to the ‘Sophie Lancaster Foundation’, a charity that was very close to his heart supporting personal diversity.

The event was over held over two days at the Madding Crowd in Bournemouth featuring 16 hand-picked bands that Faren would have most definitely approved of. A wooden cut out of Faren was made to stand on the stage and oversee all what was going on. The pandemic situation at the time brought its own challenges and there were bands than had to pull out along with people who could not come along. Despite these hurdles the event was a roaring success and £3470.24 was raised for ‘Sophie Lancaster Foundation’. Fazza Fest was such a roaring success the venue have invited the organisers to do it all again this year. It will be on 7th/8th October with some very special headliners to be announced in due course.

A cover of the Sex Pistols “Anarchy in the UK” was put together by Musician Andy Nazer along with a host of Faren’s Friends and presented to him before his died.

Words by David Chinery (Chinners)
Pictures by Matthew Rayner

If you want to get in touch with Faren’s Friend’s join our Facebook group here: