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16+ Education

The Sophie Lancaster Foundation works with college and university students and adult learners across the UK and internationally, with the Foundation forging partnerships with education professionals from the formation of the charity. The Foundation offers outreach activities, workshops, and presentations, based on topics such as victim impact, Sophie’s story and the Foundation’s creation and remit, and the issues created by our perceptions of, and reactions to, difference. We do substantial work with sociology, criminology and law departments and with student teachers; where the focus is on sharing our experiences in the classroom and discussing the startling reactions to difference expressed by children in our S.O.P.H.I.E Workshops in primary and secondary schools.

The Foundation’s resources contribute to a wide range of subject areas including PSHE, literacy, sociology, criminology, drama and health and social care.


Sophie’s Story and the work of the Sophie Lancaster Foundation

The presentations are made by a member of our team, and provide a powerful insight towards the impact of Hate Crime and how an individual’s actions can make a lasting effect on their own life and on that of others. The presentation covers everything from the trial to the work of the Foundation that was established in Sophie’s name. The topic is dealt with sensitively but with honesty and makes a deep impact on the audience. The presentation is followed by an opportunity for questions.

Please do not share Sophie’s story in advance of the presentation.

Activity: Presentation and Question & Answer session.

Time: 1 hour

Training Delivery: In person or virtually using Zoom or Microsoft Teams.


Digital delivery:
1 Session £400
2 Sessions £550

In house delivery:
1 Session £450*
2 Sessions £600*

*Plus Travel

Black Roses – The Killing of Sophie Lancaster
Film and Question & Answer Session

The film of Black Roses, directed by Sue Roberts, is a powerful on-screen telling of Poet Laureate Simon Armitage’s Black Roses poem. The poetic sequence gives Sophie back her voice, and her haunting words are woven together with those of her mother Sylvia Lancaster, who talks with candour about Sophie’s life and death.

The film won ‘Best Single Drama of Year’ and ‘Female Performance of the year’ for Julie Hesmondhalgh (as Sylvia Lancaster), in the Royal Television Society North West Awards 2015.

The film is introduced by a member of our team, who will answer questions following the screening.

Please do not share Sophie’s story in advance of the presentation.

Activity: Black Roses Film and Question & Answer Session.

Time: 1 hour

Training Delivery: In person or virtually using Zoom or Microsoft Teams.


Digital delivery:
1 Session £400
2 Sessions £550

In house delivery:
1 Session £450*
2 Sessions £600*

*Plus Travel

It has been an honour and a privilege to work with the Sophie Lancaster Foundation over the past decade. Sylvia and her team have been a constant source of inspiration to me and to countless others working in this field, and they have shaped the ways in which we collectively understand and respond to issues of Hate Crime. My work with the Foundation has been of enormous benefit to my teaching, my research and to my engagement with policy makers and practitioners. As such, I am proud to be their friend and supporter, and hope that they continue to inspire change and positivity for many years to come.
Neil Chakraborti
Professor in Criminology and Director of the Centre for Hate Studies, University of Leicester
From listening to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, we know the personal impact the tragedy has had on people. Most of us felt angry, sad and disgusted about what happened to Sophie and we feel strongly that this should never happen again. After watching such a powerful film, the people within that room really connected with the story. I think those who have an opinion of people who are perceived as ‘different’ will not be so quick to judge and will feel guilty about what they have put others through. The Sophie Lancaster foundation made it an emotional morning for everyone within the Health and Social Care class, we all took information from it and have said that those who take part within the Foundation (especially Sylvia) have done such a great job at changing the way that society treats people. Influencing generations like ours will allow us to influence those generations that are younger than us so that they can then know that Hate Crime is not ok and it never will be.
Boston College
Sophie’s story is such a harrowing story to hear, it has made the young people at the college think about their behaviour and has helped to educate young people to value everyone. It has raised awareness of Hate Crime with young people. Following the work with the Sophie Lancaster Foundation we have revised our bullying policy to include issues around Hate Crime.
John Carey
Director of Learning, Student Support & Behaviour from Landau Forte College
I just wanted to let you know that the feedback from students who attended the session this morning was amazing. Everyone mentioned how interesting, informative and inspirational it was.
Sixth Form College Birkenhead
We have worked with the Sophie Lancaster Foundation on a number of occasions, screening ‘Black Roses’ to our students and running a Q & A session afterwards with representatives from the Foundation, the Police and the local council. The screenings are always well attended and well received by our students particularly when Adam has given his personal account. The Foundation have also attended our Freshers’ Fair to raise awareness of their work with our students. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the foundation, working with them to continue to discuss the impact of, and the wider issues around, Hate Crimes.
Jacqueline Rimmer
HE Student Engagement Officer/HE Events Officer Blackburn College