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These films were created by YouTube film-maker Gablegloom as a contemporaneous record of Sophie’s murder and the subsequent events including her funeral, “Make A Noise” and the trial.

We are grateful that these were made as it is important that we have this information to share.

Searching ‘Sophie Lancaster’ on the internet generates nearly ten million results. The extent of news and worldwide coverage of Sophie is staggering, but more important, is the huge impact her death has had.

The Immediate Aftermath

On what should have been Sophie’s 21st birthday, Granada TV, Sophie’s local station features the tribute concert held at St. Mary’s Chambers in Rawtenstall. Bands include Eustace Vie, Ded Mole Crickit and 3 Sqid. There are a series of gigs both across the UK and worldwide in light of the overwhelming public response to Sophie’s death.

Sophie's Funeral

Featuring a series of stills from Sophie’s funeral which saw huge numbers including friends, family, fellow Goths and boyfriend Robert Maltby, himself savagely beaten in the assault that took Sophie’s life. Footage shows personal tributes and there are details of a series of attacks from across the world on Emos, Punks, Metallers and Skaters.

The Trial Opens

Television reports on how five youths aged between 15 and 17 appear on 10 March 2008, at Preston Crown Court, England. Two 16 year olds face murder charges while three others admitting the attack on Sophie’s boyfriend Robert Maltby. The court hears how Sophie tries to help Robert before the gang turns their attention to Sophie herself. The footage ends with details of further attacks on Goths across the UK with a plea for all such incidents to be reported to the police.

The Trial - Disturbing Evidence

Sky News and the BBC report on how the accused ‘behaved like a pack of animals’ according to the prosecution. Peter Marshall’s report for the BBC includes the disturbing record of the 999 call made by a 14 year old girl, desperate for help to come. A witness tells the court: ‘They kicked her all over her head. Jumping up and down on her head.’ Further evidence tells of how medical staff could not distinguish the gender of Robert or Sophie because of their horrendous injuries.

The Trial - The Verdict

The verdict is reached and Ryan Herbert and Brendan Harris are found guilty of Sophie’s murder. Mum Sylvia describes how time has not healed her deep grief and the police outside court tell of how the mother of one of the murderers laughed and joked all the way through initial interviews with her son. Anthony Russell had told the court that this was an attack based on hatred and prejudice as any of those perpetrated because of race or religion. Where boots and fists were used as deadly weapons.