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How We Use Your Donation

Your donations mean everything to us.

However you give, whether you donate monthly, organise fundraisers, do sponsored events, buy merchandise or make donations at gigs or festivals, it is through your kindness we can tell Sophie’s story as a catalyst for change.

As a small independent charity, we need to raise all our own funds to challenge prejudice and promote our message that difference should be celebrated, not feared. We work to combat the stereotypes and discrimination faced by people from alternative communities through education, ensuring that Sophie’s legacy lives on through our commitment to kindness, acceptance, and tolerance.

Here are just some of the things we do and every donation received helps us continue this vital work:

Advocating for the alternative community to ensure that people from alternative subcultures have a voice and representation.

Campaigning for Hate Crime awareness and legal recognition to better protect people from alternative subcultures from discrimination and violence.

Supporting communities affected by discrimination and prejudice, offering resources and guidance.  

Providing victim support and guidance for those who have suffered Hate Crime.

Delivering educational presentations and workshops in schools and workplaces to promote tolerance and acceptance and help create a more inclusive and cohesive society.

Developing educational resources to help all schools challenge bullying and prejudicial language and behaviours.

Organising outreach programs to engage with young people to halt acts of intolerance before they escalate.

Attending events to meet our community, hear their stories and provide support.

Thank you for your help in helping us make a lasting impact and change lives for the better.